What is wrong with white vinegar


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to find out, why everyone says not to use white vinegar, to give to chickens in their water.

I have hunted the site and can find white vinegar in food recipes, but for giving to chickens.

My understanding is vinegar is acetic acid. I presume apple cider vinegar is vinegar made from apples.

I did follow this link:

From what I understand it is saying once the vinegar is pauterised, anything that maybe alive is then dead, so is it not just vinegar like white or malt?

Someone also said that non organic apple cider vinegar is just white vinegar coloured with caramel? I live in the UK and I don't think that can be right as they would be breaking trade descriptions. It would have to be made from apples, but I will look on the back of a bottle of apple cider vinegar.

Would be grateful if someone could point me in the direction of the correct link, or put me out of my misery.

Thank you for your prompt reply. Great article. I will go and buy some apple cider vinegar, but in the meantime I will try the distilled malt vinegar I am using on my chips in their water. I am also hoping to do a good clean out tomorrow of the chickens coop and I shall be using it then.

Thank you again.
White vinegar is just acetic acid in about a 5-8% solution with water. That's mostly useless to the animal. It might help keep your waterer a little cleaner but overall it's no more useful than chlorinating the water. White vinegar can be distilled from any type of vinegar. Apple cider vinegar and other nondistilled types (you can make vinegar out of anything you can ferment to make alcohol out of) still contains the minerals and nutrients that were present in the apples, cider, or other material used to make it broken down some by bacteria. It contains lots of useful stuff and these vinegars have some flavor to them. Not too many animals would find white vinegar even in very small amounts in water very appealing where we sometimes use quite a bit of apple cider vinegar in our horses' water to flavor it. That way when we travel we just have to dump in some apple cider vinegar and the water tastes and smells the same to them. Some animals will refuse to drink water that is different and can dehydrate while traveling or competing.
I make a solution of about 10 percent white vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle as a mild disinfectant in our bird room.
and on that note, vinegar is good as a fabric softner in the laundry...I use it all the time, also takes out harsh smells...we have dogs...and they love there blankets...I put laundry soap and a cup of vinegar in the wash...its awesome...good for mopping and dishes...use it as a spot remover.

we make our own laundry soap, dishwashing soaps...
and on that note, vinegar is good as a fabric softner in the laundry...I use it all the time, also takes out harsh smells...we have dogs...and they love there blankets...I put laundry soap and a cup of vinegar in the wash...its awesome...good for mopping and dishes...use it as a spot remover.

we make our own laundry soap, dishwashing soaps...

I just started using vinager as a cleaner for almost everything I love it. And our critters are safe in the process.

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