What is you chickens favorite treat?

Crickets, mealworms, corn on the cob and watermelon.

Persimmons! I've seen all out wars fought in the backyard in the name of a tasty persimmon. Once the battle was won by a large ISA brown and the defeated army of red-covered hens laid at her feet in dismay, mourning the loss of their persimmon. Then I threw out another one.
Cheerios! They'll do anything for Cheerios! I started giving them stale ones from the box but eventually I spoiled the buggers and gave them Cheerios to tempt them to eat out of my hands. They were nervous of us. They used to trust us until my husband had to catch two RIR roosters/pullets to give away. After that they were afraid of us. I can feed them out of my hand and I can pet a couple of them if I'm very slow however they mostly would prefer to stand next to me and not be pet. My sickly hen BeBe lets me pick her up and pet her and if they're in the coop I can scoop them up and pet them.
Mealworms; definitely mealworms... If all goes well, this Summer, I'm hoping to be able to change this response to BSF*!

*Black Soldier Fly larvae.

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