What is your chickens’ favorite scrap treat?

Last year, the USDA was running that Farmers to Families program.

My church got a whole truck load of boxes loaded down with things like milk, Dannon yogurt and Daisy sour cream.

We offered it free to the community, and we had many takers, but we were still left with over a hundred boxes of food after the community came by to get the free food.

After the volunteers took what they wanted of the leftover food, there were STILL 28 unclaimed boxes.

Thinking about my chickens, I took them home.

I fed the chickens the milk first. I didn’t have enough refrigerator space for 28 gallons of 2% white milk. Who does?

So I loaded the yogurt, sour cream and cheese (mostly 1 pound blocks of cheddar cheese) and only a single gallon of the milk in my fridge.

But I began giving the chickens two gallons of milk a day - in bowls completely separate from their feed troughs or water buckets.

By the second day, mind you, this milk was no longer refrigerated (although it was commercially pasteurized).

The birds loved it, even in those first few days when it was still liquid.

But they loved it even more after it had aged a few days, and the curds began to separate from the whey.

They weren’t all that fond of the liquidy whey, but boy did they love the curds!

It was harder to get the creamy solids out of the plastic bottle (I literally had to cut the bottle open to free the creamy curds). It was messy! But the chickens couldn’t get enough of those old, unrefrigerated curds.

After all the milk was gone, I began to give them the sour cream and yogurt - one bowl for each of my two groups, each day.

They loved that, too.

But We were using the fridge for the human family’s food, too. So several of the yogurts and sour creams got pushed to the back, and were essentially lost for about a year or so.

I finally found them when I went cleaning the fridge out before preparing the Christmas meal.

They were over a year old, but I fed them to the birds - and they came back for days afterwards, hoping for more.

So, yes, chickens CAN eat//drink old milk, yogurt and sour cream.
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Today I found that there was an egg in my fridge that was slightly cracked. I opened the crack slightly and held it out in front of my chickens and they went crazy! Everyone loved it, and it was entertaining for me and all of the chickens. They were rolling it around, drinking the insides and stealing it off eachother. It's also healthy for them.

whole raw eggs are a controversial treat as some people don't want to encourage chickens eating eggs in the nests. But I think that because this egg had a really weak shell they managed to devour it before they even realised what it was! And they lay the eggs so I think they deserve them too!

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