What is your chickens’ favorite scrap treat?

I have all winter cooked oatmeal and added liver with oregano and garlic salt for their immunity. They love it! I also take the “waste”
Of their crumbles and mix in there too! They wait for their warm breakfast on cold mornings!’ Mine love
How do they feel bout getting sticky beaks? I made mine some oatmeal, they all tried it, got dirty beaks and refused to touch it again? Same for yoghurt. Everyone else's chooks seem to like these things but my girls just said NO WAY, WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO CLEAN OUR BEAKS!
I have a rooster that I've had for several years. He was raised with a kitty and 2 dogs. He ate what they ate lol. Cat food and every leftover we had. Pistachio nuts were his absolute favorite. Scratch and he free ranged also. I now have 2 roosters and 6 hens. Between then and now there favorite are wild bird feed, hot dogs, with any fruit or corn when it's cold. And I give them oatmeal just sprinkled on the ground. My family thinks I'm crazy for feeding them snacks but idc they are healthy and beautiful!
How do they feel bout getting sticky beaks? I made mine some oatmeal, they all tried it, got dirty beaks and refused to touch it again? Same for yoghurt. Everyone else's chooks seem to like these things but my girls just said NO WAY, WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO CLEAN OUR BEAKS!
I keep a couple stone pavers in the run for this type of thing-chickens like a stone to rub their beak on anyway. Added bonus is you can move it every few weeks to reveal a big buffet!
Doesn’t have to be from my list! I was trying to get ideas of other things chickens love, so please add any other food they love! Once my garden is up & running again they’ll have much more variety.
Whole pumpkins, cut in half. They eat the seeds first and eat all the meat and leave nothing but the skin of the pumpkin. They eat the seeds first and eat all the meat and leave nothing but the skin of the pumpkin.
I'm not a big fan of treats, though the kitchen scraps go to my birds daily (just the wife and I, we don't make many scraps, certainly not when you consider the size of the flock).

But in season, they do show a strong preference for grapes (we have wild muscadine), watermelons, cucumbers (I keep forgetting to use them), and any growing squash - pumpkin, summer squash, zucchini - all of which I use as ground cover. Oh, and blackberries, which also grow wild in the pasture (they fight the goats for those).

Late in season, they like sorghum sprays and red sorrel.

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