What is your Favorite breed

Hollywood Chickens

10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
My mother said that I can get a ornamental breed as long as it is docile and will not hurt my younger siblings.

They do not need to be cold hardy and I do not care about egg laying rates.

So what are your favorite breeds!
I think there are three of these threads active within a week now.

My favorite breed . . . Well I have no clue. I can narrow it to a list of Brahmas, Marans, Shamos, Madagascar Game/Malgache, and good Polish, but. . . I guess I might be able to just say Black Copper Marans. Good ones.
Gold Comets without doubt!!! If you want layers get yourself some GC's. If you want fancy, out of the ordinary chickens, then get yourself some Easter Eggers or something like that. We have 19 GC's and we've been averaging 17-18 eggs each and every day all winter long without fail. Gold Comets!!!
If I had the room I would have a breeding pair of Golden Phoenix. I just think they are such beautiful birds.

Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds says "Phoenixes are small and generally docile, but unless they are hand-reared, they don't tend to be particularly friendly. They must have good accommodations that provide high perches and tight, dry, well-bedded quarters to maintain feather quality." p.144

I couldn't tell you anything more about the breed other than the above and what is available to read online.
you can tell its spring there have been like 3 or 4 of these threads! my favorite breed is ameraucana, but im not a fan of the large fowl i prefer the bantams. i also LOVE my EE's and i just got some seramas and i like them but they arent the characters the ameraucanas or EE's are. if i could have 2 more breeds it would be faverolles and wyandottes, but i only have room for one more breed!
If you're only allowed hens it will be hard to beat blue laced red wyandottes hens. Speckled sussex are great too and very friendly.
I have both and they are constantly under foot. The sussex are a little friendlier hough.
I am leaning towards getting red blue laced wyandotte, silver laced wyandotte, and golden laced wyandotte.

I love sebrights but my mother is afraid that they will get hurt by our big hens--we have BRs BAs and BOs.

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