what is your favorite egg producer?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 27, 2014
ok, so some of you may remember me from this thread...


basically, i rescued a buff orpington hen and ended up giving her to my wifes grandparents. the bird is doing fine and my wifes grandmother has absolutely fallen in love with her. and... so did my wife.

a lot was going on back in december, i bought a new house, my wife started a new business, and i had just moved from california to north carolina. then i rescued a chicken, which i didnt feel right keeping because i wont have a flock and ill be gone a lot (im military).

my unit deploys about every six to 8 months. but, my next door neighbor has agreed to take care of whatever animals we have whenever we are gone. we are renting out a couple acres of our property to them to keep their horses on(we have two barns and a pond) and instead of asking them to pay rent(they were offering about 500 a month), they agreed to take care of our property whenever we are gone. and do a whole lot of work maintaining it, even while im here. its a win win for both of us, and i dont mind the horses at all... it will be a several years before i can really do much with the extra acres anyway.

so, the point of this thread... my wife has been bitten by the chicken bug. or whatever bug makes people want to rearrange their business schedule and do a lot of research on raising chickens, while also making deals with people so that the chickens are taken care of. whatever the bug is, it bit her. which is something i dont really have any issues with as long as she is willing to make sure they are taken care of while i am gone and she goes off on business trips. so far, i think we have that covered. and she certainly seems willing to do the work. plus her whole family has offered to help out whenever we need it.

anyway, i decided to get some meat producers to "test the waters", so to speak. i will be here to take care of them until they are slaughtered, then off i go to god knows where. basically, ill be making sure that we actually have our ducks in a row before getting a bunch of egg layers while im half way around the world. if it seems that our support network might fail us, no big deal. the chickens i have will go into the freezer before i leave. but if everything seems kosher, we will be getting some egg layers.

wow, pretty long winded way of saying "hey, what is your favorite egg laying breeds?"

oh well. i have a long weekend and im sitting on the couch watching carebears with my daughter... ah, i love down time :)
Black Sex Links are my favorite. Technically they are hybrids and not a breed, but they are friendly and hardy, egg laying machines. I've raised them for years (along with dozens of other breeds and hybrids), and they have been my best layers, consistently churning out more than 300 eggs per hen per year.

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