What is your favorite fall smell?

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...
No...seriously...here in the "allergy capitol of the world" once the pollen settles down and I can finally breathe, I have to say the "freshness and crispness" of the air. This is my favorite time of the year and it just feels and smells like all my favorite scents: cinnamon, orange, pumpkin, vanilla, and cranberries. OMG...I just realized that these are all "food scents".
No wonder I can't lose weight!!! LOL
I like my wood smoke, but think my neighbors are burning skunkwood sometimes.

Here, the wet season is starting. So the air will feel heavy and cool with the moisture. It will carry the smells of earth, decaying leaves, and that scent of rain. When I go out to work in the yard I feel like I'm being enveloped by nature. It's one of my favorite things about fall.

I love woodsmoke too, but my favorite fall smell is actually an man-made one of sorts. Pine cones treated with cinammon oil.
That's one of my favorite Christmas smells. I get new ones every year and hang them in a wreath. That is the quintessential Christmas smell to me.
Thanks Grit... I donno if I could bake pine cones though... wouldn't that spread that pine stuff? That also sets off my nose... dernit. Think I could cut out pine tree shapes, of non-piney/cedar wood, and do this?

Another fall smell, well whenever it gets chilly really, is JANIE... she's a doxie, short hair, and she gets cold easy so she gets REALLY snuggly. And she's very pungent. DH's word. Just her natural smell. But it makes me think of warm cuddles.
You can buy them Pineapple. I saw them for sale yesterday at Albertsons grocery store, as a matter of fact. I know wally world usually sells them too.

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