What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

My friendliest chicken(s) are my meat birds. Mostly Cornish X, some Freedom Rangers. They all come running when I come in the yard, follow me around. If I sit with them a couple will ask to sit in my lap (only a few of them can jump up on their own). They're very friendly animals. My laying hens don't want anything to do with me.
Gosh my "friendliest" is my Japanese Rooster...His name is "Poppy" & I didn't raise him, but he will come when I call, follow me around the property, he trusts me
I absolutely LOVE him!!! As a bonus, he's SOOO good to his lady (@this time we only have one hen, same breed)

Aw! I heard bantams are the sweetest.
My friendliest chicken(s) are my meat birds. Mostly Cornish X, some Freedom Rangers. They all come running when I come in the yard, follow me around. If I sit with them a couple will ask to sit in my lap (only a few of them can jump up on their own). They're very friendly animals. My laying hens don't want anything to do with me.

But you still intend to kill them?
Not sure if its friendliest or just clingy!
My faverolles won't leave me alone soon as
I open the hutch they want to sir on my shoulder or arms

My friendliest is my maran cockerel cuddles, he's so affectionate
I get hugs kisses he gets so excited to see me
Bounds up neck out head down, jumps onto my lap
Normally into my toast so then I have to give it him

He loves his tea and toast and marmalade for breakfast
Good job they don't have teeth
Not sure if its friendliest or just clingy!
My faverolles won't leave me alone soon as
I open the hutch they want to sir on my shoulder or arms

My friendliest is my maran cockerel cuddles, he's so affectionate
I get hugs kisses he gets so excited to see me
Bounds up neck out head down, jumps onto my lap
Normally into my toast so then I have to give it him

He loves his tea and toast and marmalade for breakfast
Good job they don't have teeth

Aw! Are Faverolles really rare and expensive?

My friendliest is my Blue Langshan Rooster, Razzle. He's 13 weeks old and has always been the bravest and most curious of the chicks we got. My 6 RIR pullets are friendly too, but my 5 other Langshans are more shy. I'm still hoping to win them over. The smallest black hen,

Dazzle, are out of my hand for the first time today. She's a sweet little girl, but not very brave, so I was very happy she seems to be getting to trust me.

my friendliest roo was Zippy the brown EE bantam chick he zipped out of his egg soo fast. His 2 best friends were one of the black roo and the gold roo. They were all friends and Zippy was top roo. I didn't worry because they were friendly. well one day the gold and the black took out zippy. I reached in the fridge and took out Marylin's egg (silky) out of the fridge and got Baby gaga. she was aggressive and I thought a boy because she would always jump me. then she laid a green egg and I knew it was a girl and we became friends. she used to attack me to get my attention.

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