What is your main source of feed?


9 Years
Mar 8, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
Right now I am using layer crumble. I'm interested in fermented feed. I wasn't sure if I could ferment layer cumble? Or should I ferment layer pellets?

I mainly just give crumble, grapes, meal worms, and tuna on occasion

I tried scratch, yeah right! They didn't touch it. I tried corn. Nope. I want to offer more nutrient dense food

Ideas on food and ideas on fermenting which feed is best?

Oyster shell is available fyi
If you want to ferment then use whatever crumble or pellet you choose.

If you have leftover scratch you could try fermenting that as a suppliment, maybe they would like it then. They have either grit or natural pebbles available right?

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