What is your most annoying habit/s?

scratching in public
I stopped biting my nails only a few years ago, I now keep them perfectly polished, and if the polish chips I pick it back off...

Habit that annoys others the most? I hum while thinking/reading, usually singing scales, when distracted I'll start tapping out songs with my fingers.
Well ~ I don't have any annoying habits
but what is annoying and gives me the gag factor are those people who cover one nostril with a finger and blow.
Snot Rockets are an accepted practice up here in the north
my most annoying habits are biting my nails
and my food habits im different so i hate eating in public because if i order something its never cooked right or you cant order a rice cake and thats what i like lol
I give tests...wait...that is a job requirement

I like giving tests...nope that is job benefit

I think it might be my good looks...nope that is just fate

I know...I make up my mind too quickly!

nope hang on i will get there...maybe...I like to hug...

my family claims i snore but it is really purring so they are wrong

I guess I am perfect...but i have great aim when shooting snot out one nostril

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