What killed my chickens?! A hawk maybe?


Jul 16, 2020
So my girls were out free ranging as usual this afternoon. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something like a bird flying up and away. Looked gray I think. Upon closer inspection I found one regular sized Dominique and one small black frizzle just dead! The only mark was a tiny hole along the frizzle’s neck. Almost like I caught something in the act. Would a large bird pick them up and drop them before eating? I suspected the dog, but the dog was already inside and usually I’ll find feathers if that happens. Any ideas? I closed the girls up for the day of course. I did hear what sounded like large birds up in the trees when I was investigating.
So my girls were out free ranging as usual this afternoon. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something like a bird flying up and away. Looked gray I think. Upon closer inspection I found one regular sized Dominique and one small black frizzle just dead! The only mark was a tiny hole along the frizzle’s neck. Almost like I caught something in the act. Would a large bird pick them up and drop them before eating? I suspected the dog, but the dog was already inside and usually I’ll find feathers if that happens. Any ideas? I closed the girls up for the day of course. I did hear what sounded like large birds up in the trees when I was investigating.
It does sound like a Hawk. Most adult sized chickens are too heavy for a hawk to fly off with; they like to kill and eat them where they are. Your presence scared it off .... it will be back looking for the carcass.
Would it kill two before starting in on them? So weird...
they will kill several sometimes, but usually when a hawk kills them theres a big pile of feathers or feathers strung out in an area, thats the most telling sign of hawks to me .. dead birds just laying around mangled usually points to somebodys filthy dog in my experience ..
they will kill several sometimes, but usually when a hawk kills them theres a big pile of feathers or feathers strung out in an area, thats the most telling sign of hawks to me .. dead birds just laying around mangled usually points to somebodys filthy dog in my experience ..
My dog has always left feathers everywhere and a bloody mess. Plus he hasn’t done it in a while and has had plenty of chances. These were basically untouched... except for the dead part :(.

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