what killed my duck?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 23, 2013
"Birds bitten around the rear end, and have their intestines pulled out, have been attacked by a weasel or one of its relatives"
Hello- this afternoon I found one of our dear ducks dead in their enclosed outside area. He had one small wound on his neck and his back half completely torn off and gone, with some bloody feathers around the area and I found a piece of his insides nearby. Also- his feet were eaten. The other 2 ducks are fine. The ducks are secured inside at night but I was surprised something would come in broad daylight. We live out in the country and I'm trying to figure out what got him, there are dogs in the area but I couldn't find anywhere they could have gotten through the fence, coyotes but I only hear them at night and it seems like they would have taken the whole bird. Lots of large hawks and birds and from the article I'm thinking maybe a weasel although I've never seen any here and would it come during the day? Please let me know any thoughts you have. Thanks!

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