What killed my pullet? GRAPHIC PIC!

Chick Norris

8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Chester County, PA

The predator ate the head, neck and one wing. Everything happened at the site in the photo. The time was late morning. My wife may have startled it and scared it off or it simply could have been finished eating. I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated.

The predator ate the head, neck and one wing. Everything happened at the site in the photo. The time was late morning. My wife may have startled it and scared it off or it simply could have been finished eating. I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sounds like a raccoon, get a trap They will come back for more. If you have bobcat or lynx they will also eat heads off.
I'm np expert but that looks like a hawk was the one to do that. The thing that is throwing me off is that the head is missing. Usually with hawks they eat the neck and then eat out the side of the bird. Maybe some one smarter than me will chime in.
The first thing they do is rip the head off.
Was there a trail of plucked feathers leading to the caucus?
If u still have the body put it in the trap. It will come back for the rest!
Thanks, Everybody. It was raining yesterday so I think that is why the feathers were so wet. There was no trail of feathers. Everything happened at the spot you see in the picture. Will a hawk swoop in under cover because this area is under very good tree cover.

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