What kind and sec is this?


Jun 11, 2016
I have this chicken. It is about 3 months-ish. It is my only chicken who won't (can't) fly up to the perch. It was supposed to be a Leghorn but with the flight issue I am thinking aCornish or other type of Rock?


Where did you get it? We'll need pictures of it dry to be sure of gender. Also I would try and put stuff on the floor of your run (pine needles, hay, wood chips, or grass clippings), it looks l pretty muddy which isn't to good for the birds.
It looks like a Leghorn. I can't tell what color its legs are because of the muck. And it doesn't look like its feeling too well (by the way its fluffed and eyes are closed). Wet, muddy runs can be a breeding ground for all kinds of nasties. I'd get that dried up quick as you can manage.
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I got it at Rural King (a local feed & supply store). It has been raining a lot here in SW Florida lately. I have checked for the tail and sale feathers, but at the same time she? Could be to young, I guess? I'm partially thinking rock because of the flight issue and not wanting to perch but the bird looks kinda small for a rock.
I would say leghorn pullet or hen and I have to agree with the others on her looking quite ill. I would recommend separating her from your flock, giving her a chance to dry off and see if she perks up. Birds who are ill will keep to themselves, won't have much of an appetite and can go downhill very quickly.

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