What kind of Ameraucana is this?


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Hi all! I just recently got a new Ameraucana chick from the feed store but I'm not sure what kind of Americana it is. Can someone help me out?
Your Ameraucana is actually an Easter Egger rather than a true Ameraucana which are relatively rare and expensive and are never carried by feed stores. Hatcheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas which are a true breed, when in fact they are Easter Eggers. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that will lay eggs in colors other than just blue. Because they are hybrids, Easter Eggers do not conform to any appearance standards. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.
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Your Ameraucana is actually an Easter Egger rather than a true Ameraucana which are relatively rare and expensive and are never carried by feed stores. Hatheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas which are a true breed, when in fact they are Easter Eggers. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that will lay eggs in colors other than just blue. Because they are hybrids, Easter Eggers do not conform to any appearance standards. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.
x2 on this.
Your Ameraucana is actually an Easter Egger rather than a true Ameraucana which are relatively rare and expensive and are never carried by feed stores. Hatheries and feed stores frequently and incorrectly market their Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas which are a true breed, when in fact they are Easter Eggers. Easter Eggers are hybrids produced by crossing blue egg layers with brown egg layers to produce offspring that will lay eggs in colors other than just blue. Because they are hybrids, Easter Eggers do not conform to any appearance standards. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html explaining the difference between true Ameraucanas, true Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.

THIS! x10

FWIW- the feed stores usually just label them what the hatchery tells them they are...most don't have a clue.

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