What Kind of chick Am I


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
We Recently purchased French Bcm Eggs from a breeder. along he gave us a Black orphington and 2 lemon cookoo's. he also gave us a mystery egg that looked like none of the other eggs. anyone know what chicks are what. They all are pure bred i think. He has lots of rare breeds so hopefully it's something good haha. I held his rooster and all of his birds. Beautiful birds. Hopefully mine turn out like them. also are some of our other birds. Any ideas on breed/sex's. Thanks! What do you think about them? They are show quaility accordning to him. He has several jubliee's too. If only that egg was one... Sorry for the terrible pictures...

The mystery chick.

Other shot of chicks.

What is this thing? It has black skin and an extra toe but multicloored and not puffy?

There is a breed guessing section of the forums, just to let you know. & at this age there is no way to know the ages unless they are sex links. Also, My Pet Chicken, for one, has pictures of some breeds they sell as chicks... see if they (or other sites) have pictures of the breeds you've got and compare to your chicks.
Oh, Sorry I havent been on here in forever. It Should be there. It has all the quailties of a silkie but doesnt have the puffy fur like a silkie. I dont know if that comes later or what. as for the mystery chick the breeder said it was a splash something or another. It came from a darker egg. He seemed excited that I had it. I'm taking more pictures that Ill add of everyone. He said that you can sex them by the way their feathers are coming in. Like the Roots or whatever they would be called. Anyway, Be right back with more pics.

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