What Kind Of Chick Starter Should I Use?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 14, 2010
I'm incubating some golden pheasant eggs and they're due to hatch next week. For ringnecks I've always used medicated gamebird starter. This is my first experience with goldens and I thought I read somewhere that turkey feed should be used instead. Can someone out there help me? Thanks!
I hatched out 5 commons 4 weeks ago, and have given them nothing but turkey starter, they are doing fine except for the runt being trampled and another learning to fly at 2 weeks and leaving the brooder and landing in the sump hole and drowning. Now I have 3 and have started giving them the same pellets that I give to the adults. I give the pellets a spin in the blender to break them up alittle. I've made a small cage for them as they outgrew the brooder(washing machine box). These three are going to a friend, I have 2 dozen going into the bator tomorrow. I hope these pics work it's been awhile since I've posted any.



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