What kind of chicken do I have


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2015
I got these chicks form TSC. They were stright runs. They are 4 weeks old. Could anyone tell what kind they are and if they are hens or roosters.
It looks like you have Cornish Crosses :( They are generally butchered when they are around eight weeks old and if you choose not to butcher them they won't live much longer than that. Also the front two look like cockerels and I need better pictures of the others.
If they are Cornish I'm a little ****** told the lady I was getting them for eggs. I've looked up pic of the white rock and Cornish and all the Cornish I saw was all white. The white rock some where all white and some where different colors. Some of mine have a few black feathers. The day I went to TSC all they had was stright run.

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