What kind of chicken is this? Pics


10 Years
Dec 13, 2009
Trafalgar, IN
I finally have a camera and can post some pictures. I hatched these 2 black and gold chicks out of what was supposed to be Buff Orpington eggs.

They came from light brown eggs. I'm suspecting that they are mixed with BO.

If you need better pics I can take some.



They are 8 weeks old.

Could be buff mix, their faces almost look like buffs. Very pretty feathering!!

Oh and howdy neighbor, just noticed you're in Trafalgar!
I think they are mixed with BO. They are really beautiful. One has completely black legs and feet. They are a little more skittish than my BO chicks.

I just want to know what they are mixed with.

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Just an odd mixture of genes. We have a mixed buff, well she's not buff she's all black with white lacing around her head and chest. Just the tiniest tint of gold in her wings. Her father was a Jersey Giant.
Pretty boy you have there!
Yeah is is a pretty
. The only thing was that when she gave him to us he had frost bite. Since then is has gotten worse. I 've done everything I possibly could. Some of the points has already fallen off. He is the sweetest thing on Earth!

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