What kind of chicken is this


In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2015
I'm am new here. Hello!!!!
I am also new to chickens. It was in my bucket list to have a chicken someday. I. Finally bought one I'm attaching a picture I like to know what kind of chicken that is and how much with the chicks would sell for. I had just bought her just to have a chicken and collect the eggs but my neighbor gave me of rooster I am also attaching the picture and she started laying eggs and I thought I'll let her hatch them and see what happens
BTW.. The rooster is Blake Sheldon , The black one is Phyllis Diller , in the red is Scarlet O'Hara
Thank you in advance for your help
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Top left looks like a Naked Neck Turken, I can't see top right, bottom left looks like a Frizzle of some sort (I was thinking Cochin, but it doesn't appear as round), and bottom right is a Production Red?


Thank you Alex. How much do you think the babies would settle for

Mixed breed chicks are a crapshoot as far as being able to sell them. Straight run here I'd probably be lucky to get $2 with those parent breeds. Grow the pullets out to point of lay (around 5 months) and they could be $15 each. But at that point you've got all your feed, etc invested and you have to do something with the males you hatched.

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