What kind of chickens are these?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 3, 2013
Someone is giving me chickens, and I am having a hard time figuring out what breed some are. Any help is appreciated!
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Are production reds also the red sex links? Also, could those be cuckoo maran birds? There legs seemed very white
The two red birds in this photo are Red Sex-Links, also known as Red Stars, Cinnamon Queens, and Golden Comets. They are crosses of a "red" rooster like a Rhode Island Red and a bird carrying a silver gene (I believe), like a Plymouth Rock or a Silver-Laced Wyandotte. The two lighter bird in the photo are Buff Orpingtons. All birds in the photo are females.
[/URL]The two darker barred birds are Barred Plymouth Rock females. The two lighter barred birds are Barred Plymouth Rock males. Both black birds appear to be Australorps, with the one in front being a cockerel and the one in back being a female. The buff colored bird in front is a Buff Orpington hen.
Are production reds also the red sex links? Also, could those be cuckoo maran birds? There legs seemed very white
Yes. They have so many names, Ginger Ranger, Cinnamon Queens, all sorts depending on your region.

X2, that is awsome how you editied the pic. If you dont mind me asking, how did you do that?
MS Paint Program (you can also use an online version if you don't have paint -- save images as PNGs so they don't turn blurry when uploaded)
I was hoping they were cuckoo marans. My barred rocks have yellow legs. Can't wait to add these to my flock. Which started at 6 and is now 50 2 months later lol!!

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