What kind of creature is this?


7 Years
May 21, 2012
West Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everybody!!!
I bought these this orangish color chicken out of a local trader and the man and woman said that it was a red sex link chicken but it doesn't look like one?!?!
Some one please help figure this mystery out. I thought that it may be either a Welsummer or a RSL? If you have some that look like her then please post pictures...Thanks everybody for you help on this one!!!

Yeah the people that sold it to me said it was a sex link but I really don't think so. Thinks for the replies. Also if anyone has any of this breed how do they act. It seems rather timid and is getting picked on by all the other chickens...
I have some Cinammon Queen or red Sexlinks I received in a hatchery mix this spring. They are very gentle compaired with my other pullets. They are a mixture of a Roade Island Red rooster and a Roade Island White hen. There are several crosses to produce the various Sexlinks.

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