What kind of duck is this baby?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Tulsa, OK
I have 3 new ducklings. I know the 2 yellow ones are crested but the 3rd is not one I am familiar with.
Any ideas? Thanks!



Thanks! The only guess I had based on the ideal website was maybe a blue swedish but it does indeed look like a KC baby too! Any particular reason you think it's a "he"? I don't mind having boy ducks since they aren't loud like roos, but the 3 I got last year all turned out to be drakes. Since I raise birds for eggs and not meat, I am REALLY hoping to add some girls to the mix this year
May be time to suck it up and order sexed ducklings.
Chicks&Chihuahuas :

Thanks! The only guess I had based on the ideal website was maybe a blue swedish but it does indeed look like a KC baby too! Any particular reason you think it's a "he"? I don't mind having boy ducks since they aren't loud like roos, but the 3 I got last year all turned out to be drakes. Since I raise birds for eggs and not meat, I am REALLY hoping to add some girls to the mix this year
May be time to suck it up and order sexed ducklings.

Well it's feet do look small (Indicating a female). I would wait until he/she grows a bit more, then post pics, because at this stage it is a little hard to tell (Small feet aren't the biggest indicator, because all duckling feet are small). But you will defiantly know when he/she has their feathers. Their quack will also be loader if it is a female. So for now I guess it's a mystery!

Very cute though!​
It looks like a blue Runner to me. I got 1 the exact same from Metzer...let me find a photo for you

Its the 1 with its head in the food, it also has a black splodge on her back and when she grew up a bit she was all mottled up really pretty. I also lost her at 9 weeks old..she was my favorite one too
Khaki babies are chocolate, not blue, arent they? I kinda agree with blue runner, I wouldnt put out badly marked blue swede tho just in case.

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