what kind of duck is this on the video? and is it a girl or boy?

Picture look like my young white muscovy ducks. You can see the caruncles beginning to form. Video probably pekin cross. Jury is still out on sex though. It doesn't take long and the male muscovy size becomes apparent.
I didn't notice that, it also has a spot on the head. I'd still say it is not mixed, just hatchery quality. The black on the beak is probably dirty. Both the ducks look pretty dirty.
Nearly all the sounds made in the video were boy sounds, but then right toward the end there is a quack... but then the video sweeps over to another duck. Who made the loud quack sound? The quacker is a girl, but unless it came from the duck in the cage, I'd say the one in the cage is a boy. And they both look a lot like pekins.

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