What kind of fan to use for incubator?


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Laclede County, MO
I may have found the problem. The wafer was lopsided in its cradle thing, must have done it when I was taking them out of the turner. I hate making stupid mistakes! And I was wrong on the type of bator i have. Its a GQF Hova-Bator 1602N Still-air and GQF turner. I want to try and install a fan but I don't want to spend $30+ on one. I have heard of some ppl using a PC fan, what specs should I look for when searching for one? Does anyone have instruction on how to install one as well? I am in the process of saving my eggs for another batch. It might take a bit with only 3-5 eggs per day. Thanks for your suggestions!!
Miss Prissy's thread on incubators was where we got the ideas for ours... we had an old PC fan lying around, and always have power cords from toys long-gone... just splice them together. We used a 9V output, but 5-12 works well.
Which way it turns depends on how you wire it. test it out before taping it all in place.

Good luck! It's easy!
You can go to this websight and buy a computer fan that is 110v just like your incubator and not have to have an additional power supply or cord. Just wire it into the current system prior to the thermostat. You can get the fans for $12 or less. much easier than a fan needing a power supply.


This is just one websight I found on a quick search. Just wanted everyone to know you do not have to get a low voltage fan.
Use a PC fan .... The holes for mounting it are already there in the lid, they just need punching out. You will need some long bolts and washers to fit it.

The 110V fans make sense from the integration standpoint but there is a problem. The incubator was designed with the fan GQF had in mind. In fact, they use a 12V fan with a transformer built in.

The advantage of using 12V is that you can easily adjust it's speed by running it anywhere between about 5 and 16 volts (you won't harm it), and you won't kill yourself wiring it in either. In a Hova, you will find the 9V is plenty, and most fans are pretty quiet at those lower speeds.

It's an easy upgrade.
If you look at the fan that is in the link, you will see that it has the exact same measurements as the PC fan and can be mounted in the exact same way as the PC fan. It has the same Cubic feet per minute of airflow as the PC fan. Just for simplicity of connection and use it is easier. Nothing should ever be connected while still attached to power. So the electrical hazard is the same with either one. But, I could be wrong. I only have 30 years of electrical experience to draw from.
lol .... no one was saying you were wrong

The big advantage of a 12V fan is that it is far easier to match it's performance to the needs of individual incubators. The 110V fan is neater, and simpler (but costs more), and some members will not like installing 110V.

Both work fine
I was wondering if anyone has ever checked the revolutions per minute on a factory incubator fan? I want to install a computer fan in my incubator & would like to slow it down to the correct speed.

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