What kind of hen???

She is beautiful and no idea of breed but looks like she has the scaley leg, might want to fix that before introducing her to your flock. Also her legs look green is she EE mix maybe, what color is her eggs?
Very pretty hen. I have no idea what she is. I would doubt a GLW cross. It would be very unusual to have a GLW cross end up with the single comb and grey legs.
I was wondering why you think so. Wyandottes usually have rose combs, which are dominate over single combs. A GLW cross would most likely result in a rose, or walnut combed bird. Some Wyandottes do pop up with a single comb (I have one, but she has not passed it on to any chicks), but it is not the norm. GLWs have yellow/orange legs (at least all of mine do). Even those that I've crossed with my slate legged EEs end up with a lighter shade, than the O.P.'s hen. These two things would lead me to belive it's not a GLW cross.
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