What Kind?

I was under the impression only runners did this, maybe not. My ducks always make a nest and cover their eggs. Even if I let them out to graze early, they will go back in and lay in their nesting area. Is this uncommon? Do my ducks think they are chickens? :confused:
Some are better than others. I'm pretty sure my white layer laid her egg in the pool. Found it 3 days later, yuck! My runners lay in the house, my Cayuga likes to build a nest in the yard and my welsh harlequin can't make up her mind. Since she is getting ready to skip a day and laying later each day she usually drops and walks or if I'm lucky she makes a nest in the mulch.
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She seem to have no mothering instincts at all. She just want to forage and run around. I have a duck magazine and she looks like the picture of the runner in it by her bill is black and in the pic the duck has a yellow bill. I let them out anywhere between 7 and 8. She has already had her egg and is sitting somewhere else. I have a barrel turned on it side with grass in it for a nest or a place to lay but neither of them ever use it. The picture showed a piken that she looks like to but the description she fits is runner. I am still at a loss for my other tubby duck. Thank you to all who posted on my string. This has been very informative for me a new duck mother.
any idea what kind if duck he/she is?

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