What Made You Get Your Chickens?


11 Years
Feb 26, 2008
Gulf Coast
I was just wondering what makes most people get chickens these days in the first place?
I have always loved being a homemaker, reading stories about the old-fashioned way of life, even as a kid I devoured books like the Little House series. But I never really thought about actually owning chickens, until my garden was overrun last year with bugs. I have tried to be as organic as possible in my yard, and I began to research how to grow a better garden. One thing led to another, and I started reading about chicken-keeping. Well, our human nest emptied out, and I once again tried to focus on the old-fashioned way of doing things, and mentioned to DH that I thought it would be neat to have some chickens to help with the bug population, with the added bonus of fertilizer for our compost bin. He agreed! And the rest, as they say, is history! Now I think since we are enjoying our brood so much, if we ever move to a smaller place, we will make sure we can at least have a few hens. And we haven't even gotten any eggs yet--we just love to watch them run, peck around, and come up for a pet and a scritch!
So, what is your story?
After 28 years I was left with the dreaded "empty nest" and I needed something to fill the hours. I have found a hobby that I absolutely love.

I started w/chicks from the hatchery and have moved on to buying eggs and incubating (I just ordered my second incubator). Next year at this time I hope to be selling eggs for hatching and eating. Hope I have time to visit with my sons when they stop by to visit
So ironic that you mention that. I went through a tough time when we were suddenly in an empty nest. But just this weekend our son and wife came for a visit since they moved to Texas several months ago. We had a hard time tearing ourselves away from working on the yard and coop! We didn't want our son to feel like we didn't want to visit with him, but we were kinda busy!
I grew up in the city and as a kid, I always wanted to be a farmer. When my husband and I bought a house on 2.5 acres I decided it was time for some livestock. Chickens were a way to start small and easy. I'm so glad it did it!
A man in town ordered the minimum of RIR's and as they grew, they needed more room than he had and he has a large heated coop with a large run/pen so he put an ad on a bulletin board, I waited 10 days, thinking surely someone had taken them and I wouldn't have to, but no, no one even called. I drove over, "Just to LOOK!" and drove off with 10 pullets ready to molt for th 1st time and BOY was my 24 yr old son (the 3rd of 3) mad!! I got them on the spur of the moment, had no where to put them, so into the 1996 Chevy Blazer they went;)

The owner of the hardware store down the street asked when I was purchasing a full sized Suburban to put them into next;) I had them in a REAL coop by then...and they are egg laying, friendly, food monsters, can't wait to see them enjoying the great outdoors in their pens this summer!!!

My Buff orp chicks (pullets, too) should be here Tuesday and then once the geese can be moved from their temporary chicken coop into their barn, I'll be getting meat chicks toward the end of May.

(I had just finished an Animal Husbandry class when I saw the ad and thought I'd get rabbits until I discovered they could die easily of fright.)
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With the sagging economy and all, DH decided we need to be more self sufficient. He decided we should get "a few" hens so we would always have eggs, and if things got really bad, we could eat some of the chickens

Well, the 7 I got weren't laying yet, so he sends me back to the flea market for older ones, so I get 6 more, they arent laying either, so I go back the following week and find some that are actually laying, 6 more!!!!! Then...... one gets sick so as I am searching the net to find sick chicken info, I find this site!!!!!!!!!! Before I know it, I have a bator.........up to 78 chickens now, with a few dozen shipped eggs coming plus what i have collected.........and the saga continues.............

Ps. I'm soooo glad this was DH's idea!!!!
i got 3chicks just cuz they were cute...then as i got more educated about the wonderful world of chickens my obsession grew. Plus i live on a 90 acre farm. Mom used to have cattle but she doesn't anymore. chickens are alot cheaper than other livestock and we have the room and they are so cool...so why not?
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