What next????


11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
West Central Wisconsin
Okay, I am on day 21, with one zipping right along, and 4 more piping, and 9 not to sure??? How long do leave them in the bator??? How long do I wait before giving up on the other eggs that are not doing nothing??? I don't want to make any mistakes, or help anyone, last time I helped chicks from a sitting hen, I ended up killing 2 of them, so no more meddling from this "Old Hen" but would really appreciate your help.
my bator is right next to my computer so I can hear the chirping !
Leave them be.. You are in whats called lockdown.. I strongly beleive in not doing anything for 24 hrs after first pip... Now I am a newbie at hatching but have read hundreds of threads.. I have heard this is the hardest time of all but just to sit on your hands and watch...
the chick is running rampant over the other eggs, is that okay!!! How long do I leave the baby chick in the bator with the other un hatched eggs, they are rolling from the baby chick!!
It will be fine.. They will walk all over the other eggs.. The chick can stay in the bator for the first 24hrs just fine.. You dont want to open the bator at all at this point.. It is very hard not to open it but you MUST leave it closed or you may shrink wrap the other chickss... Take a deep breath and just enjoy watching em pop out..
thank you, so much!!!
there is one more zipping, and maybe the rolling of the other eggs will get them to hatching!!!, after 24 hours and I remove the chicks, do I than discard the other eggs if not piping, moving, or anything that would let me know that they are going to hatch??
The newly hatched chicks can survive up to 3 days in the bator, because they are still absorbing nutrients from the yolk. Their chirping will encourage the others, do NOT open that bator! If the eggs remaining aren't even pipped I will quickly moved the chicks to the brooder after 24 hours.

Everyone has their own methods, but I will leave eggs until Day 24, unless they start oozing liquid, then you remove them very carefully!
I remove my hatched out chicks after 24 hours to a heated pen, & mist the remaining eggs with a spray bottle to replace any humidity you lost, & give the other eggs 48 hours more. I usually get a few "late bloomers".

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