What not to do when you go on vacation....

We are going on a 10 day vacation in the next few months and I am already getting worried. I am glad I read your post - I will definitely try to have my ducks, I mean chicks, in a row
I anticipate this will be our last vacation for a LONG time though!
I had two spoiled goats fed nothing but mineral for a week in the middle of winter. They were unhappy, but unharmed. I am going to try the deer feeder for the goats on a 10 day vacation this summer. I am not worried about the chickens, they have a big feeder.

I have grown kids and daughter in laws that take care of our chickens goats and dogs and cats while we are gone....they do good for us...
Chauntecleer's Keeper :

My friend uses a timed deer feeder to feed his chickens. He swears by it.

We use one too and it works great! TSC had them half price after hunting season ended so we got one that holds 200 lbs of feed.​
ewe...last vacation in a long time....
i could not image...
loved your blog page!
i live 50 min north of indy.
i don't have my chicks yet, but have been recruiting trusted people to care for them when we go on vaca...which we do a lot!

my sitter (for my 2 boys) sits for our dog when we are gone..love her and trust her...so i am letting her name a chicken when they arrive and she will help when we are gone!

i am sure you could 'pay someone with eggs' when you are gone to come care for them, plus a little extra cash!
We need a chicken babysitter club and you can search people close to your town to watch your pets while you go out of town.
I'm afraid if I ask my neighbors, the rooster will be "missing".
Or we could swap homes.
You could vacation here on the beach in Ct and we could stay??? Where you are and watch your pets.
We really need a sitter site.

I live next to my in-laws but they are city people and have left mud prints in my carpet the last time we asked them and they don't get my whole chicken thing and will not do it with passion. My friends are all city people and could care less about the chickens. My poor Mom has to do it all everytime we leave which is about once a month.

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