what not to use after chicks hatch

mamas farm

7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
I grabbed a new plastic litter pan to put my new hatch chicks in I set up the heating light all look well. I woke up from an two hour nap when I saw two chicks were dead . I then realized the plastic from the litter pan had caused poison from the heat and killed two of the chicks. so I have learned to not use plastic .
So sorry. Heartbreaking! Or make sure the lamp is far enough away from the box.
So sorry. Heartbreaking! Or make sure the lamp is far enough away from the box.
thanks, I put them in a cover cage. I wish I could adjust the heating light to the right temperature with a dial. I used the heating thermometer to check the heat it seems to be just right . They are singing ,running following my finger. I love to hold them they are so soft and fluffy. wouldn't it be nice if they could stay soft and fluffy than getting feathers. I want to make an apron to carry them in and keep them close to me during the day. I am a little chick crazy.

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