What on earth is this mutant?!?


In the Brooder
May 29, 2016
Hello! The other day I noticed one of my light brahmas seemed to poop out what looked like egg yolk. And we found another spot in the yard. Today she pooped out this!!! What on earth is going on??? She's about a year old and just started laying about a month and a half ago. Other than this weirdness she seems healthy. Her comb is red, she eats a lot. I haven't noticed anything else wrong!!!

Is this something I should be worried about? Maybe what I saw that looked like egg whites was and that extra little piece was a membrane from it and it broke? The small little part had its own membrane. The part that worries me is there was no evidence of a yolk. I'm worried about egg yolk peritonitis. When they roosted tonight I felt all their abdomens (3 light brahmas) and they all felt the same. Could this all be since she's a relatively new layer? One of the other brahmas likes to lay shellless eggs at times. They all have free options to oyster shells all day, they get later pellets, and they free range on our farm all day. My other chickens eggs actually have calcium deposits on them. Is there anything I can do to help?
I wouldn't become to worried about it unless it is something that occurs again without her having normal eggs. You might give her a little calcium for a few days, such as a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3 orally, or ground into some plain yogurt. As long as you have chickens you may see some funny looking eggs. If you see soft or thin shelled eggs that break inside, that can be a set up for bacteria to spread up to the ovary. The Merck Veterinary Manual has a series of articles about common laying problems, which you can see on the right side of the page if you Google internal laying or egg yolk peritonitis.
I'll try that! Thanks! We've had chickens, ducks, and guineas but I've never had something quite this weird before. Thanks again!

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