What roster do I keep???


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Berlin, NY
OK I just got my 1st Ameraucanas. I am sooooooo happy. I got 2 hens and 2 roo's they are 6 mo.old. The kicker is that my DH said he promised one of the roo's I got to a friend of his and I can only keep one now. Who do I keep for breeding stock.


If you're keeping for breeding/show purposes, I can't help you out with that - don't know all the standards and fussy stuff. If you're keeping chickens just to have chickens, keep the gentlest one.
I can't help myself ether.
I am just getting to know the breed myself. Someone needed to get rid of the 2 roosters because they are not allowed in there town. So I picked them up and she threw in 2 hens with them. I wanted to get into this breed and just don't know what it is most people look for in the coloration of there ameraucanas. I am hoping to find some chicks at the local tailgate sale this Saturday. I really want to get into hatching and selling them next spring if all goes well.
They are both such good boys. That is what makes it so hard to pick.
I got 2 hens with them and they match the 2 roos. So whatever roo I do give away I always have a hen of the same coloration.
Ok, first of all me likes them both

Since one is spoken for, I would keep the one with the biggest full breast, nice weight, nice legs and tail set also nicest to the hens, sit out there and really watch the interaction. and If I got any stink eye from one of them thats the one I'd get rid of.

Coloration would be a key factor, too bad no one answered you on the Ameraucaua thread. If you havent gotten rid of one yet maybe re post. One color has to be more desirable than the other

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