What sex are my guineas


5 Years
Mar 30, 2019
One of my two guinea fowl has been chasing the other around alot lately. I originally thought I had two girls, but now I'm not sure if I have two males, or if one if them is being chased bc she's the only guinea hen. The one on top has one curled and one straight wattle. The other has two curled wattles. I'll post a bunch of pictures I recently took, bc it's hard to get a good shot of both of them at once.


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They look like males to me, our females had smaller wattles than either of those.
One of my two guinea fowl has been chasing the other around alot lately. I originally thought I had two girls, but now I'm not sure if I have two males, or if one if them is being chased bc she's the only guinea hen. The one on top has one curled and one straight wattle. The other has two curled wattles. I'll post a bunch of pictures I recently took, bc it's hard to get a good shot of both of them at once.
You can't sex guineas from photos. Pay attention to their calls.

During laying season the hens that are laying will have a raised bustle.
Neither of them make the usual pipsquack sound that the females usually make. I always figured that it was just bc there were two of them and they were nervous around me. That would explain why they chase each other around sometimes.
Neither of them make the usual pipsquack sound that the females usually make. I always figured that it was just bc there were two of them and they were nervous around me. That would explain why they chase each other around sometimes.
No "buckwheat", no females. Separate them so that they can't see each othet. If they are sexually mature and one of them is a hen, she will "buckwheat".

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