What should geese and goslings eat?


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
I started our goslings off on game bird starter (30% I think) but I have started to wonder, as grazers, should geese and goslings eat a grain based feed? Wouldnt something like Rabbit feed be more suitable?
I started our goslings off on game bird starter (30% I think) but I have started to wonder, as grazers, should geese and goslings eat a grain based feed? Wouldnt something like Rabbit feed be more suitable?
I think a feed formulated for their species would be better. Of course if you can graze your geese year round then that is the best way to feed. Here where I am there is nothing for them to eat now except their grain and what greens I buy for them at the store. If you've ever driven by a field where wheat or corn was raised sometimes you'll see flocks of wild geese[Canada's] out their picking up any left overs. So they dif like grain.Some geese owners use soft grass hay in winter also along with grain, I understand geese don't care for alfalfa.
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They are 6 weeks old now and today is the first time I have seen them graze. But to be fair to them they have only been loose for a week and before that they have only seen their food dish.

What funny critters they are though, fully enchanted by them.
They are 6 weeks old now and today is the first time I have seen them graze. But to be fair to them they have only been loose for a week and before that they have only seen their food dish.

What funny critters they are though, fully enchanted by them.
They really do get in the heart don't they. How about some pics?
I lost Gertrude last nite...Gglda is doing ok today.. Since winter is here should I wait till spring to try to get her another friend or what would be the best thing to do...thanks for any and all advicw
I lost Gertrude last nite...Gglda is doing ok today.. Since winter is here should I wait till spring to try to get her another friend or what would be the best thing to do...thanks for any and all advicw
Aww I am so sorry what happened? She is going to be extremely sad and lonely. You might check craigs list for geese.
Geese will have a strong bond if they are raised together when they are still very young.
When older goslings will test dominance boys and girl goslings.
I had them in a secure 8 ft high enclosure. Gertrude flew right over top during nite. I'm assuming pack of canines got her... Gilda was still in pen safe and sound. Very upset over loss..Even Sadie our beagle is upset over the loss.
I had them in a secure 8 ft high enclosure. Gertrude flew right over top during nite. I'm assuming pack of canines got her... Gilda was still in pen safe and sound. Very upset over loss..Even Sadie our beagle is upset over the loss.
Time to cover the 8' enclosure . Poor thing. Maybe they spooked her is the reason she went over top. I am thankful Gilda is safe.
That may be reason.. I had them at our 2 stall horse barn.. It has covered roof and the opening is only 2 foot opening.. She must have been totally spooked the stall door was open where they stayed... I am at a loss but am in the process of covering it up.Gilda is ok but just pacing. She is eating and drinking

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