What should I do?

You can give them buttermilk mixed in feed for a couple of days. It is easily absorbed and doesnt pass through their system like yogurt. It also strengthens their immune system. In one month dose them with the safeguard 5 days in a row in the mornings before feeding. Then wait 4 hours after worming and then feed them. Then give them buttermilk mixed in their feed for a couple of days. You can add chopped boiled eggs to the mixture if you wish. Your chickens will scoff it up. This should clear up shed intestinal lining while providing buttermilk as an easily absorbed probiotic.
What is buttermilk exactly? Sry, sounds like a good idea.
The kind we find in modern grocery stores is different from what out ancestors used. Cultured is all I see in supermarkets today. Jim (Dawg53,) is that all you use now?
Yes, supermarket buttermilk is fine. Personally I dont like drinking buttermilk, yuck. I guess chickens are smarter than me, they know a good thing when it's put in front of them lol.
I would try and get a fecal test done by a local vet or get a mail in fecal test to see if there are still worm eggs. Have you done some cleaning up of droppings as best as you can to remove worms eggs in droppings?

There could be some residual irritation from the worms present and nothing to worry about. Here is an online fecal test which also tests for coccidiosis:
Thanks for the tip for stool testing. The vet charged me close to 50 bucks
Thanks for the tip for stool testing. The vet charged me close to 50 bucks
I ad a vet checked for worms. They are free of worms. There are some formed stool with the diarrhea.But the problem has not been fixed. I tried mixing yogurt to the scrambled eggs after it was cooked. Nothing seems to help.
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