what should I do


Mar 26, 2015
ok she hatched these in the back of the shed behind junk.despite her nesting choice she seems to have done it right as chicks hatched.
That is the problem the chicks hatched and she has duck eggs still to hatch.The eggs she hatched are from the hen disappeared off her nest over night and I was looking for her when I found this hen on her nest.

Should I wait till she leaves the nest before taking and finish incubating the duck eggs or take the chicks and put them in a brooder?

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The broody hen was on some other eggs and was gone this morning.thats when I saw this duck hidden way in the back.I have two others hens on eggs and will move the chicks to them if I can get them from the duck.
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Sounds like a good plan. If you have several broodys you could just shuffle eggs and chicks around until, eventually, you'll probably end up with a few eggs to incubate, or a few chicks to brood on your own. Congrats.
Almost everyone is broody or has chicks now. Most of my hen ducks well 4 more of them are on eggs plus the one hatching the chicks and another already hatched her ducklings.

I have chicks and ducklings coming out my ears.

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