What strange things do your chickens eat? Chat thread

Mine have eaten all sorts of interesting stuff, or attempted to. Weirdest was a brown bat, idk if they found it dead or what but I came out and one was running around with it and everyone was chasing. Once when I was pretty young I was going all around the farm yard catching little snakes and putting them in a bucket and I placed it down by the coop and was talking to my dad and a chicken jumped in and started eating.
My chickens love to scratch through cow dung and apparently find all kinds of tasty tidbits. 🤮
On the other hand, the funniest thing I've seen them eat was long spaghetti noodles covered in sauce that I was given as unusable leftovers by the Senior Center after lunch one day. Those poor birds had no clue what that stuff was. They circled the pile for almost 2 minutes before one big fat Buff Brahma hen got brave enough to peck, then grab a noodle. She took off at a dead run down 80 feet of driveway with the rest of the flock chasing her, noodle flapping, and other hens occasionally catching one end of the noodle, breaking off from the flock, and enjoying their "score". When she got to the gate at the end of the driveway, she turned around and kept running, this time back up the driveway, but with only a tiny bit of her original noodle still hanging from her beak. Meanwhile, her breast looked like she had been bleeding profusely as it was all covered in spaghetti sauce. I was doubled over watching the spectacle and wishing I had thought to have a video camera in hand. Sadly, the performance has never been repeated. They now know what spaghetti is.
Thats so funny! :lol::lau:gigBTW you guys can share silly things that your other animals eat.
For example: my cat eats plastic plants! Unfortunately they don't stay down long, he never learns though!!!

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