What supplies do you need to raise chickens ? (detailed)


5 Years
Jan 21, 2015
Im new to this, and I'm soon getting some chicks. Which is best btw: Chick or chickens?

what are some supplies YOU GUYS USE for your chickens? Please be specific, maybe, like for food, grit, and (cooked/raw) corn, and ( cooked/raw) rice, etc.
And even some supplies you guys use for your coops!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I personally think that starting with chicks is the way to go. This insures that you can take them as much as you want and it also means they have a higher chance of being healthy. You can find chicks at hatcheries online such as Mypetchicken, mucmurry hatchery and Meyer hatchery. Otherwise, you can look at your local feed/ farm stores in the spring.

There are many things I use for my flock. I use Natre Wise layer feed crumbles, eggshells, mealworms and kitchen scraps as my chickens' feed/treats. (Treats should only take up 10% of they daily diet though. ) I always make sure they have water. I use an autmoatic feeder and waterer which means I don't have to feed and water them each day.I don't buy grit but instead just allow my flock to find it on the ground.
Treats I feed them consist of dairy, veggies, fruits, bread, rice, pasta, etc. Here is a list of things to and not to feed your flock https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/chicken-treat-chart-the-best-treats-for-backyard-chickens

For the coop, I use 2X4"s with the 4" side facing up as the roosts for the chickens. They hav three of them. I have three nests for my five hens. (You need one nest for every 1-2 hens you have. ) I use straw and pine shavings as my bedding. I clean the coop and run about once every three weeks. I deep clean th coop meaning I clean EVERYTHIG once a year. I also use fake eggs in my nests to show the hens where to lay.

I use dirt in my run. I put roosts, stumps, ladders and even a wheelbarrow with dirt in it to keep my flock busy and happy.

For health care, I use save-a-chick probiotics, apple cider vinegar, garlic and a few other health tablets.

I think this is mainly it.

Hope this helps!

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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to our flock. I agree with Mountain Peeps and would go with chicks as well. You will have a much larger variety of breeds to choose from, will have the joy of raising them and taming them as they grow, and will have a smaller initial investment in the birds themselves as chicks are considerably cheaper that older birds. As far as what supplies you will need to raise chickens, you will find all of the answers in the Getting Started Raising Chickens section of our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/getting-started-raising-chickens. Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in raising your flock.
Wow, very detailed :D! I really feel secure with information, thank you everyone!

I never knew that there would be SO MANY PEOPLE to answer my questions!
And thank you all for inviting me into this website~! I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alexis13288 ( the newbie
I'm glad you joined us!

The other posters have given you some great advice already! Feel free to ask any other questions that you have. We're all here to help!

Good luck with your future chicks!
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Welcome to BYC!!! There are loads of members on here…so if you have ANY questions…just ASK!!!

Hope you have loads of fun and all your answers answered here on BYC the BEST CHICKEN KEEPING FORUM on EARTH!!


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