What temperature need newborn chicks with red light?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 12, 2008
Dalton, GA
Please help me that my expecting chicks to hatch in 4 days don't freeze their little fussy butt off. What temperature do they need under red light?
the temp in the brooder needs to be 95 with a cooler end for them to go to if they get hot. Lower the temp by 5 every week ....
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My chicks never stayed near the 95 degree mark. They have always liked it cooler.... around 80, especially this time of year. I offer them the 95 just the same but the other end is at 80 degrees and they stay down there more. Makes me happy as well. I hope I have winter tough birds.
OK, here is the problem: I am having a batch of eggs in my still air incubator which suppose to hatch on Monday. But I also have 8 eggs in there which should hatch on Wednesday. See, the first batch of 12 eggs made a journey from AR to Detroit to Ecuador - back to Detroit - Nashville - Chattanooga - thanks to a postal employee who could not read. I received the eggs with a temperature of 34 degrees and I never thought, there still is life in it and ordered new eggs. However, some smart people in here recommended: just try it!! I did and I am so happy, having nine eggs out of twelfe which are alive and bouncing. I just can keep the babies in the bator until they are complete dry. In their new housing, which temperature do you recommend with red light?
Once dry and you move them out of the bator I would use the 95 degrees. They stay under Mama hen where it is about 100 for the first day or so and like it warm. After that let them go out in a bigger brooder to get away from too much heat. I have never used a bator but I do take some chicks away from Mama hen and I always start with 95 the first 24 hrs.

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