What the heck is Brenda?!


Oct 11, 2020
Hi everyone! We are relatively new to backyard chicken keeping. Just added 2 new girls to our flock after 2 of ours passed away (more on that later, we don’t know what happened) :( my question is: what the heck kind of breed is Brenda?! We think she almost looks like a hawk, sounds like black combs are rare and couldn’t find anything in our searches. Thank you so much!!
I had read some places that black combs indicated a health issue, but this looks like she was just born this way, right? Overall seems healthy, not laying yet but figure it’s just from the new adjustment to our coop
Hi :frow and welcome to BYC! Your girl is breathtakingly beautiful in my opinion and I think her unusual black comb makes her uniquely so! I wonder if she has some Ayam Cemani in her? Easter Eggers are mixed breeds pretty much by definition, so she could be anything genetically, it's anybody's guess. It will be interesting to see what color eggs she lays. What color is her skin, and what color are her legs and feet? Very interesting!

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