What the heck IS this crud?! EDIT: Canker treatment needed, HEEEELLLP!


10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
Central Florida
Last week one of my roosters had to get a giant glob of..something..removed from his throat. $80 later- it's back. What IS this?? It's not mushy, and doesn't want to "squish". It's almost spongy. I got a little bit out...take a look.


I'm pretty sure it's canker, and he didn't have any other lesions, sores, or mucous anywhere, just this crud. Can anyone suggest a treatment?? Please help me..
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Canker is Very common in pigeons. You need to swab the mouth with iodine. That will kill the bacteria in the mouth. Take the lesions out, try not to handle with bare skin. Then treat that bird & others he is with with Ridzole in the water for 5 days. It will clear it up and the birds will be fine.
It reminds me of wet fowlpox also. If you type that in the search engine there is A LOT of helpful information on here. One thing I recall is Listerine... but don't quote me on that.

I seem to recall that it is treatable so definitely check it out. So sorry
I looked up some info on fowlpox..

He doesn't have mucous anywhere or lesions, or pox anywhere. Just that crud in his throat.

I looked up canker pictures, and that's exactly what it is...now to find a treatment..
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It's highly contagiou and hard to treat. If he is not worth alot of money, I would put him down.

If you want to try to save him, contact Peter Brown at First State.

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