What time do your chickens go into their coop

I have stupid chickens because they don't go inside they roost outside! I have the light come on before sunset for about an hour or so and they sit roost outside. Any suggestions?
Mine go in at dusk.
I have stupid chickens because they don't go inside they roost outside! I have the light come on before sunset for about an hour or so and they sit roost outside. Any suggestions?
If the light is outside the coop try to keep it off till they go to roost. If the light is inside the coop give them some treat in the coop at sunset and then close them in till they get the idea.
Mine go in right before dark. There are a couple that goes in little earlier to get the prime roosting spots in the coop. They are a little smarter than the rest.
My light is in the coop and I feed inside the coop at night and they are almost a year old and still roost outside. They are just stupid chickens because they know to roost up high outside but they just don't go inside.
My girls will sit out all night if I let them! We usually 'shoo' them in around 8 or 9 PM in the winter....last summer we were making them go to bed around 10PM. We lock them in the run, and if they don't go into the coop to sleep, oh, well. They are in a very safe run/coop.They do end up in the coop in the winter...but I've gotten up in the pitch dark 0 degrees at 3AM to let the old Yorkie outside in the driving snow and I can hear a couple of them hanging out already. Silly girls.

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