What time do your ducks lay?

Mine lay sometime before 5am - that's as early as I'm getting up so I doubt I'll be able to pinpoint it down any more accurately then that!
Mine seem to lay before 6:30, except for Blue now who usually ends up laying hers in the nest she built under a shrub sometime in the later morning. Need to go out and see if she put one there this morning.
my all like vampire. very active at night, eat much more at night and lay eggs before daylight. I also keep a small light for them.
I let mine out around 7:00 and she has already laid. The egg is cold so I know she didn't just lay. A couple of times she has laid 2 eggs in 1 day.
Good to know I am not alone. Its just ive been reading books and they all say to leave them locked up until around 10 or 11 so that the eggs are in the coop. For one I would never leave them locked up that late. Even if I had to go on an egg hunt. My eggs are also cold by the time I let them out and collect them, so they have been laid awhile before I get out there.
Hey NC you are pushing too early. If they were laying now they would be risking their eggs freezing at night. I am just a bit north of you and nights have been Cold!!
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