What time is it?

Only members can use tudybot now.
Why though???
When did this happen?
The BOT can only respond to members with a PFM.

To say "Only members can use tudybot now."is like saying it is open to use by any member on the site. You are posting on the site therefore you are a member.

Due to the large amount of bad information that the BOT was putting out, it was decided to limit the interaction to PFM members only, with the hope they would be more likely to double check on the given information instead of following advice that may be harmful..
The BOT can only respond to members with a PFM.

To say "Only members can use tudybot now."is like saying it is open to use by any member on the site. You are posting on the site therefore you are a member.

Due to the large amount of bad information that the BOT was putting out, it was decided to limit the interaction to PFM members only, with the hope they would be more likely to double check on the given information instead of following advice that may be harmful..
Makes sense, but sucks for the rest of us who want to use it.

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