What to do about feeding 12 week old pullets once integrated


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
My pair of 12 week old RIR's are now fully integrated with my larger flock of 13 laying hens who eat laying pellets. What do I feed my pullets and how? I don't want my layers to be malnourished, but I don't want to feed the wrong thing to the younger ones. If I put out both laying pellets and grower food they will all eat from both food dishes. I know this has probably been addressed MANY times before, so I apologize for asking what is probably the obvious. Thanks.
I heard you can switch them all over to flock raiser, which is 20+ percent protein I think...all you'll need to do is supply plenty of oyster shell for the laying hens.
Don't add the oyster shell to their feed, but offer it in a separate dish. (I put mine in an empty tuna can, nailed to the coop wall next to the feeder). Those that need it, will eat it. Those that aren't craving it and don't need it, won't eat it.
I actually have three feeders.

One is lower, and has the grower feed. All of the birds (12 week and grown hens) eat from it.

I have a SECOND feeder that I hang up higher. It's about as high as it can be for the grown hens, and the chicks can't quite reach it. I fill that will layer feed - and the hens do eat it.

The third is a bowl of oyster shell for the hens to supplement their diets with. It's also at hen-height.

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