What to do about rooster:hen ratio?


In the Brooder
Sep 3, 2023
I'll just start off saying I am quite new to keeping chickens. My family has a small flock of eight birds, they are just about 12 weeks old. We've come to the realization that we likely have 6 cockerels and 2 pullets on our hands 🤦‍♀️ we will be removing 5 of the cockerels once we know for sure.

Which will leave us with 1 rooster and 2 hens. From what I've read, the minimum ratio is 1:4. I'm wondering what the best thing is to do.

I can go buy a couple more pullets, but we don't have a second coop or run for them to transition them in. Is that something that is necessary or could we get away with adding them right in?

Or, could we leave the 3 chickens to their devices over winter, hoping the rooster isn't too keen on mating and won't stress the girls out, and incubate some eggs to add more to the flock before the spring?

Or is there another way? Thank you!
I'd get rid of all of the roosters and order more sexed chicks from a major hatchery.
I agree.

Being new to chickens it's a hard reality that roosters are problematic.
Hatching eggs brings even more males into the mix.
To many males to and the hens suffer from stress and over breeding.

With just 2 females your best bet is to have a hen only flock. Adding by ordering sexed chicks from a reputable hatchery is the best way to avoid unwanted males, diseases and parasites.
I agree.

Being new to chickens it's a hard reality that roosters are problematic.
Hatching eggs brings even more males into the mix.
To many males to and the hens suffer from stress and over breeding.

With just 2 females your best bet is to have a hen only flock. Adding by ordering sexed chicks from a reputable hatchery is the best way to avoid unwanted males, diseases and parasites.
Yes I do know roosters are problematic, originally we weren't going to keep any roosters but we thought we might be able to keep one so that we can hatch our own eggs. But we were also hoping to get more than 2 hens out of this batch 🙃

Is ordering chicks safer than buying laying hens? We want some darn eggs already! Haha
You only want a rooster for breeding or free ranging. Having all hen will be a quieter experience vs a rooster crowing throughout the day and sometimes night.
I'm not concerned about the crowing, our chickens are far enough away from the house that it won't be an issue 😊 space isn't an issue either, their coop and run are plenty big enough. We only wanted about 8 chickens total.
Buying grown birds or even started pullets comes with risk.
You could be getting sick or infested birds.

Did you have a plan for roosters that hatch?
We will be processing them for meat. We are aware their meat isn't as good.

Ok so ordering sexed chicks is the way to go then. Thank you!
Remember that from chicks to laying age takes about 5 to 6 months of age. Plan accordingly based on which seasons they will be exposed too.

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