What to do for an oil gland that isn't working well

Miss Lydia

~Gift of God ~ Eternal Life ~John 3:16-17
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Oct 3, 2009
Mountains of Western N.C.
Any one had to deal with this? My youngest gander 1.5 yrs old has been having wet feather so today I looked at his oil glad it isn't infected or swollen and there is some oil coming out but there must be something going on with it because the last couple days he has been obsessed with preening and his feathers just stay wet. I put some warm compresses on it today and will do it again tomorrow but If there is something you have found worked please let me know.
I honestly don't know Miss L but if your geese have been in the rain constantly for days then there's your answer.
Usually older geese get this problem and I've heard that the heavier the breed the less oil it produces but that's not always the case.
I honestly don't know Miss L but if your geese have been in the rain constantly for days then there's your answer.
Usually older geese get this problem and I've heard that the heavier the breed the less oil it produces but that's not always the case.
Thanks serv and yes constant rain and he is soaked but the other 3 not. I feel bad for him because he is trying so hard to get his feathers preened but it doesn't work. Hopefully once it stops raining he can get on top of this
I have massaged the oil gland and done warm compresses 2X hopefully it will start making more wax so he will be ready for the winter weather we're to get end of this week.
Keep us updated! We still have constant rain over here in Ireland
And the buffs are loosening their waterproof feathers but are grand once I put them inside to sleep
Keep us updated! We still have constant rain over here in Ireland
And the buffs are loosening their waterproof feathers but are grand once I put them inside to sleep
I have seen a big difference in Babe since we went 2 days with out rain so hoping he will be okay. mainly worried for when we get snow and ice because they do not like to be cooped up in the day time. I guess we'd look soggy too serv if we were out in it all the time.
hahaha yea let's look at it that way, we'll just pour oil over ourselves so we'll be waterproof :,)
or slippery.

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