What to do for worms...i have pictures and it sure looks like worms.


7 Years
Feb 24, 2012
i have a year old hen named "edward" who looked a bit under the weather 2 days ago...since then acting fairly normal. but i took these pics and it looks like worms.

took poop to vet 2 days ago and fecal said they found only cocci? but this looks like worms. did they miss that?

writing for any info i can get. intend to seek further help from vet.

thanks so much,

It's not worms, it's shed intestinal lining which is normal on occasion. As far as cocci is concerned, all chickens have it and it will always be found on a microscopic slide. If the slide has a few cocci oocysts on it, that is normal. However if the slide is loaded with the oocysts...there's a problem. Here's what worms look like: Also a link to the poop chart:
Hey thank you! someone else did say it looked like intestinal lining. and i totally agree on the cocci present in the poop. i'm planning on talking with my regular vet more in depth about the fecal. i think i got a rather uninformed vet....my doctor is dr. pitts from studio city animal hospital and he is very good, just haven't been able to touch base with him yet.

anyway edward my hen is acting quite normal and was only weird for one day so it seems to jive with this being nothing. we're watching her closely for now.
Hey thank you! someone else did say it looked like intestinal lining. and i totally agree on the cocci present in the poop. i'm planning on talking with my regular vet more in depth about the fecal. i think i got a rather uninformed vet....my doctor is dr. pitts from studio city animal hospital and he is very good, just haven't been able to touch base with him yet.

anyway edward my hen is acting quite normal and was only weird for one day so it seems to jive with this being nothing. we're watching her closely for now.
If you find out there were alot of cocci occysts on the slide, go to your feed store and purchase Corid 9.6% liquid solution, it'll be in the cattle section.
Dosage is 9.5cc to a gallon of water for 5 days. It's safe for all your birds to drink it and there's no egg withdrawal. It must be their sole source of water to drink. You can also order it online from Jefferslivestock.com or call them.

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