What To Do In Power Outage Emergency!


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
It hasn't happened to me yet, but our chickens are ready to go into their coop, and they will have sufficient power supply for a heat lamp or two. It has just started getting a little chilly here in Colorado, and I was wondering what would become of the full grown chickens if the power were to go out?
If there is another thread about this that I have missed, please direct me to it!
Thank you all.
What do you mean they are ready to go into their coop?

We have at least 15 breeds of chickens and they all LOVE the snow. We get snowstorms like you do there and we don't put a heat lamp on unless it's 20 degrees or below, sometimes not even then. We have only lost 2 chickens to the cold and one was very old, the other wasn't a cold hardy breed.

It's been getting down to the lower 40's or upper 30's here at night for a little over a week now and I see no reason to put a heat lamp on at all.
wow, that's super surprising to me, but i love the idea of the chickens playing in the snow. ^.^ thank you for your advice, i guess i don't give them enough credit Yet. :)

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